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NOI Techpark is South Tyrol’s growing innovation district. Located in the productive heart of Bolzano, it brings together more than 110 companies and start-ups, 4 research institutes, 4 faculties of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and 70 state-of-the-art scientific laboratories in the fields of Green, Food & Health, Digital, and Automotive & Automation. Together, they form a community of over 2,400 start-uppers, entrepreneurs, researchers and students – in short, drivers of innovation. At the heart of it lies a simple yet revolutionary philosophy, expressed in the acronym that forms its name: NOI – Nature of Innovation. Inspired by nature and ever adapting to change, common patterns are rethought, and new solutions are created for the benefit of people and our planet.

Learn more about NOI Techpark:


The International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) is the world’s leading association of innovation ecosystems. IASP’s mission is to create a global network of science parks, innovation districts and other innovation areas, driving our members’ growth, effectiveness and international reach.
IASP coordinates an active network of managers of innovation areas, science parks, research parks, innovation districts, knowledge cities and other innovation spaces.

Learn more about IASP: